Why Batman is every child’s Superhero. Or ought to be.

"A superhero that could be you." May 1, 1939 - A new superhero is in town. Around this time, Superman is the most popular superhero in the world, but unlike him, The Dark Knight does not have any special powers. He can be killed by a single bullet or from falling off a building. He …

A late-night goof that spawned a multimillion dollar franchise.

Many of us are familiar with the story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The story paid homage to the first issue of Daredevil comic book which came out in 1963, in which Matt Murdock is blinded by the radio active isotope while pushing an old blind man from the path of an oncoming truck. …

Hello Kitty, hello.

  BACKGROUND Shintaro Tsuji was one of the first few Japanese entrepreneurs to discover the appeal of kawaii. In 1962, the US was already dominating the global toy industry and he had to find a way to get a piece of that pie. Kawaii culture gained prominence around the 1970s, although many believe it has …

The Game of Chess.

ORIGINS Chess is believed to have originated in Eastern India around the 6th century. The game was known as the chaturaá¹…ga then, a game characterized by four divisions - infantry, calvary, elephants, and chariotry. The earliest evidence of chess is found in the nearby Sassanid Persia around 600, where the game was known as the …